Friday, January 3, 2020

Who is a Child The Definition of a Child Essay - 1948 Words

This research paper looks at the definition of a child as expressed in four fields: international law, international child convention, Sharia and Islamic law, and Arab countries. A child is considered any person below the age of 18 years of age. However, each of the four fields has its own modifications of the definition. For instance, the international law and international child conventional loosely consider the age of 18 years as the upper limit of childhood, as they provide a room for countries in which the age of majority may be attained earlier than 18 years. In the four fields, a child is considered dependent on their parents and communities for protection and financial and social support. However, the four fields have a few†¦show more content†¦The upper limit also suffers similar uncertainties. For example, the 1973 International Labor Organization Minimum Age Convention gives an individual member country the right to set its own age of majority in which a person ca n enter the labor force. Some countries set it at 14, while others put it at 15. The 1956 Supplementary Convention on Slavery sets the upper limit as 18 years (Butler 21). With these uncertainties in lower and upper age limits for a child, each member country of the United Nations has the liberty to set its own reasonable age limits. The international convention regards a child as any person with specific needs and rights that need to be protected by relevant individuals and concerned authorities. Like the international law, the convention regards a child as any person under the age of 18 years or any human being who has not attained the age of majority as expressed in their country’s domestic legislation (Swepston 3). The international child convention’s major task is to ensure that children are never deprived their civil, economic, political, health, social, or cultural rights. The convention works hand in hand with domestic legislations in individual UN member countries to ensure that its objectives for the protection of children are adequately met (Todres, Wojcik, and Revaz 5). The convention outlinesShow MoreRelatedAssessing And Prevention Of Child Abuse766 Words   |  4 PagesPreventing Child Abuse The definition of child abuse varies by state. Although every definition of child abuse must meet certain federal minimum standards, a fine line can still exist between what constitutes abuse and what is a harsh but appropriate punishment. Generally, however, most recognized types of child abuse fall into four categories including physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and neglect. It is a crime in every state to intentionally or recklessly cause injury to a child. 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