Thursday, December 26, 2019

Causes And Treatment Of Obesity - 3353 Words

Obesity has been describes as one of the most serious medical conditions that is making its way into the lifestyle of our young generation, our future. Childhood obesity has become a concern because it is this that often leads to later health problems in adulthood such as diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, and arthritis, stroke and sleep insomnia, ( Herbert A., 2006), obesity can also affect the mind where it can lead to depression as well as poor self-esteem. There are various factors which affect obesity and overweight, but there are numerous precautions and steps that can be taken in order to reduce the chances of becoming either or both. This paper will identify the different factors which lead to becoming overweight or obese and will focus on the genetic and hereditary factors. Also, this paper will identify the different causes and treatment specifically for children that are obese or overweight. Introduction Obesity and overweight are term used interchangeably by most of our society when in reality they are different but the both imply having the condition of more abundant weight then needed in a human’s body. Being obese refers to excessive fat storage in the body. Overweight is the term used to describe the excess of weight in the body which is dependent on someone’s age, height and sex. Both obesity and overweight are becoming an epidemic especially in the United States. In the United States about, 66% of adults areShow MoreRelatedCauses And Treatment Of Obesity3493 Words   |  14 Pages Abstract Obesity has been describes as one of the most serious medical conditions that is making its way into the lifestyle of our young generation, our future. Childhood obesity has become a concern because it is this that often leads to later health problems in adulthood such as diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, and arthritis, stroke and sleep insomnia, ( Herbert A., 2006), obesity can also affect the mind where it can lead to depression as well as poor self-esteemRead MoreObesity : Causes, Symptoms, Prevention And Treatment1276 Words   |  6 Pageshildhood obesity is an enormous issue that affects the children’s current state of health, and it is predominant in the United States. 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Obesity is a medical condition in which it is an accumulation of excessive to the extent of causing health problems and reducing the life expectancy. 2) Discuss the topic with your activities group, report what you learned from the discussion: Answer: What we concluded from the discussion is that obesity is much acclaimed in the UAE and it is a huge problem that may affect the coming generationsRead MoreObesity : A Dangerous Disease1503 Words   |  7 PagesObesity is known as a condition where a person has excessive fat in their body and it is also defined as being a genetic and environmental factor, which can occur to anyone from child to adult. It is a factor where people eat the wrong foods and do not watch their diet. Obesity or overweight is a very dangerous disease because it can be the leading cause of diabetes, hypertension and even sleep apnea and many more symptoms can be caused by the disease. Obesity or overweight has become, a common factorRead MoreThe American Medical Association (AMA) has declared obesity a disease. Obesity means that an900 Words   |  4 PagesAmerican Medical Association (AMA) has declared obesity a disease. Obesity means that an individual has too much body weight that could possibly cause a health risk. Having a body-mass index (BMI) of 35 or higher makes an individual morbidly obese. A healthy BMI would be from 20 to 24.9. The United States has one of the highest obesity rates in the world with an estimated of 36% of American adults suffering from it. It is important to not label obesity as a disease because it leads 78 million adultsRead MoreObesity And Its Effects On Obesity Essay1598 Words   |  7 PagesObesity is a prevalent condition in America that undeniably leads to a plethora of health complications, including heart disease, diabetes, and depression. However, while medical interventions can be useful for addressing obesity, treating it as a purely medical condition can decontextualize this growing issue. Additionally, it can support the use of ineffective but potentially harmful treatments by a group of disproportionately empowered medical professionals and industries, that are incentivizedRead MoreBody Mass Index1378 Words   |  6 PagesObesity is a known disease that is found around us. Everywhere we go we see obese people. But what is obesity? Obesity is defined as having an excessive amount of body fat which applies to people who are overweight. There are many health risks that coincide with obesity, which makes it a dangerous disease. Furthermore, obesity is becoming an enormous problem since it is increasing drastically. About 38% of the world population is obese and that percentage is steadily rising. So what causes theseRead MoreObesity Is A Disease?1410 Words   |  6 PagesNatalie Lopez Dr. Holly Elliott ENC 1101-13186 16 December 2015 Obesity Is a Disease About one-hundred million people in America are diagnosed with obesity every year, that’s one third of our population (Carson-Dewitt, Davidson, Atkins)! Obesity should be taken seriously because, it may cause permanent damage for us in the future. Many researchers have preformed various tests to prove that obesity is a disease. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a disease is an illness that affects a

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